Angelus Sep 1981

Angelus Press


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Articles: St. Michael the Archangel

  • Malcom Brennan, Book Review: The Antichrist by Vincent Miceli, S.J.
  • Msgr. Ronald Knox, Ecône Ordinations, June 29, 1981
  • Angel Talk, Quiz on Church History for Children
  • Fr. P. Millet, S.J., A Priest Forever 
  • Don Bosco, A Priest Forever 
  • Fr. P. Millet, S.J., The Catholic Priest: his suffering life, the hatred of the wicked
  • Archbishop Lefebvre, The Archbishop Speaks — That the Church May Go On, Part 1 — Rennes, France November 1972
  • Excerpts from the Encyclical Spiritus Paraclitus — St. Jerome, Scholar of the Vulgate
  • Letter From the Editor
  • Question and Answer
    • What is the proper way to assist at a non-Catholic funeral? Do I, as a Catholic, join in when the minister says, "bow your heads and let us pray"? Also, in reciting the prayers out loud.
    • My friend says she has permission from a missionary priest to attend the Protestant Church (of her choice) on Sunday and that she fulfills her Mass obligation by doing so, what next?
    • According to the Holy Shroud of Turin Christ's wrists were nailed to the Cross and this is supported by forensic evidence which says that nails in the hand could not hold the body weight. How does one reconcile the Stigmata wounds of St. Francis and others that had wounds appear in their palms? Were they blessed with a similar passion or are these Stigmata not authentic?
    • Why did Our Lord refer to His Mother as "Woman"?