Angelus Sep 1982

Angelus Press


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Articles: Mater Dolorosa

  • Letter to the Apostolic Delegate
  • Angel Talk, Holy Rosary Crossword Puzzle
  • Joan Diehl, St. Notburga (September 13th Feast Day)
  • Novena in Honor of the Sorrowful Mother
  • Anne Roche, Introibo Ad Altare Dei
  • Michael Davies, The Gift of Faith (about Modernism, Rationalism, Protestantism, and Atheism), Part 1
  • James Sterling Corum, U.S. Bishops and Abortion
  • Archbishop Lefebvre, The Archbishop Speaks: On the Occasion of the Sacerdotal Ordination of Reverend Michel Simoulin on September 20, 1981
  • Sister Anne Michael, Ite Ad Joseph: Church in London acquired through the intercession of St. Joseph
  • Dr. Malcom Brennan, Blessed James Fenn
  • Letter From the Editor
  • Question and Answer
    • What is the Holy Land Blessing and is it valid?
    • How many bishops and priests in the U.S. approve or use the Old Mass?
    • Would you please explain and comment briefly on the subject of objective and subjective sin? Can some of the schisms which are occurring in the Church today be categorized as this type of sin?
    • Please inform me if Vatican II banns the presence or use of side altars.