Angelus Sep 1983

Angelus Press


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  • Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, The Archbishop Speaks: Ordination Sermon in Econe, June 29, 1983
  • Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows
  • Angel Talk: Crossword puzzle on the Sacraments: Baptism and Confirmation
  • Jean Madiran, The American Bishops And Nuclear Arms
  • Fr. Walter Ciszek, The Meaning Of The Mass
  • Fr. Hector Bolduc, A Christian's Duty
  • Fr. Schmidberger, The Work of Redemption
  • The Story of St. Maximilian Kolbe
  • Michael Davies, True and False Obedience, Part 1
  • Question and Answer
    • I thought Pope John Paul II was a little more conservative than some of the past popes. Why, then, did the pope approve the new Canon Law in which women do not have to keep their heads covered during Mass?
    • My question is about "The Marian Movement of Priests, Our Lady Speaks to Her Priests." I am reading the "seventh edition." What do you say about that?
    • Isn't a table better than an altar to show the true meaning of the Lord's Supper?