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Scholasticus, The Good Samaritan
News Brief
Cardinal Hamer Refuses to Dialogue with Dissident nuns
Dignity Members Affirm Their Homosexuality and Catholicism
Much is Forgotten about WWII, Archbishop Philip Hannan of New Orleans Says
Archbishop Roach on 10th Anniversary: "Revive Spirit of Vatican II"
Two Masonic Leaders, Both Catholics, Defy Church Ruling
Michael Davies, Book Review: The Devastated Vineyard
Interview with the Coordinator for the Carmel of the Holy Trinity in Pennsylvania
Mother Louise Margaret Claret de la Touche, The Sacred Heart and the Priesthood: Jesus Pardoning - With His Priests
Prayer to be said by Parents in Behalf of their Children
St. Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on the Our Father, Part 1
Fr. Richard Williamson, Rock and Roll - A Deadly Revolution
Susan Norton, The English Pilgrimage to Lourdes August 12-16 for the Feast of the Assumption and the Visit of Archbishop Lefebvre to Lourdes
Archbishop Lefebvre, The Archbishop Speaks: The Church, the Priesthood and the Tridentine Indult
Question and Answer
Can a Roman Catholic be a godparent in a non-Catholic Baptism?
Our daughter is married outside the Church and has two unbaptized children. Can I secretly baptize them?