Angelus Sep 1988

Angelus Press


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  • Fr. Frank Denke, To Rebel or To Preserve
  • Profession of Faith by the Priests of Campos
  • News Brief
    • Brief Challenges Hawaiian Law Designating Good Friday Holiday
    • Two Nuns Resign After Four Year Battle with Vatican
    • Arrested Abortion Foes Refuse to Give Their Names in Atlanta
    • Vatican II Liturgical Expert Urges Ordination of Women
    • Catholic Bishop: No Turning Back on Vatican II Gains
  • Mary E. Gentges, The St. Marys Pilgrimage Concludes Marian Year
  • Fr. Gregory Foley, Conscience
  • Our Nation and Our Church
  • The Emperor's New Clothes: A Parable for Today's Church
  • Gonzalo Martinez Celaya, God Will Not Be Mocked!

Question and Answer

  • Why wasn't Fr. Schmidberger consecrated a bishop?
  • Why is St. Philomena's feast day not put on the St. Pius X Calendar?
  • Many think we have treated the Pope most shamefully by rejecting his efforts to reconcile. What facts can we show them which will prove we are not wrong in following the actions of Archbishop Lefebvre?