Annibale Bugnini: Reformer of the Liturgy

Yves Chiron

SKU: 8842  |  ISBN: 9781621384113

French historian Yves Chiron turns his attention to Annibale Bugnini, guiding spirit of  liturgical reform in the period surrounding the Second Vatican Council.

Highly controversial in his day, and down to the present, Bugnini has attracted high praise from his disciples and vilification from his critics. Yet who was Bugnini, really?  What were his formative experiences, personal ideals, intellectual assumptions, practical aims? How did he accomplish so much in so short a time? Why, after such a singular collaboration with Pope Paul VI, did he suddenly fall from grace and suffer exile? A biography that makes extensive use of all available documentary sources, including Bugnini’s own memoirs, Vatican publications, private correspondence, interviews, articles, and lectures.

The present book has filled this lacuna with the scholarly care and dispassionate analysis for which the author’s books are praised at all points on the ecclesiastical spectrum.

214 pp. Softcover. STK# 8842 $17.95