Christ in the Church

Msgr. Robert Hugh Benson

SKU: 8911  |  ISBN: 9781685290931

A curious thing happened between the time Fr. Benson lived and where mankind finds itself today. The atheistic ideologies that were then only beginning to take hold in mainstream society have now metastasized throughout the contemporary world. The subtle and conversational presentation of this book is addressed to the modern man in that context. Fr. Benson gently exposes the whispered attacks, the implied ridicule, and anti-Catholic invective of his time and answers them with the patience of a friend, a father, and a priest. This apologetic approach is interwoven with the main conversation of the book: Christ’s Life and the parallels between it and His Church.

The genius of Fr. Benson’s book Christ in the Church is that he speaks to the reader with one goal in mind. Fr. Benson wishes for the atheist, the fallen away Catholic, and the poorly catechized to simply listen to a rational explanation of the world with Christ at its center.

Fr. Robert Hugh Benson is renowned for his contributions to Catholic literature. This recently rediscovered title is a fantastic example of why his books inspire people to come to Christ and His Church. Get this book for your family and friends and help them better defend themselves and the Faith against the modern errors. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Brian Tastad
All for the love of God

Easy read... To give all glory to Christ!

Mike Fahy
Christ In The Church

I just finished reading it about a half hour ago. It was fantastic! Opened up my mind to a new view of defending the Mystical Body of Christ. Thank you!