Crib to Cross: Meditations on the Life of Christ


SKU: 8755  |  ISBN: 9781949124194

Catholics who wish to begin having a deeper spiritual life can find no better way to begin their journey than with this excellent work.

Crib to Cross is a collection of beautiful meditations written over a hundred years ago with the young Catholic in mind. It has now become an excellent introductory guide to the world of meditation for beginners of all ages. Catholics who wish to begin having a deeper spiritual life can find no better way to begin their journey than with this excellent work. It is profound yet concise and simple for all to follow. At every age and in every circumstance in our lives, we can relate to some aspect of the life of Christ as we follow Him from His Crib to His Cross.

“Meditation is a hard word. It generally implies the power of following our trains of reasoning, a power not ordinarily developed in early years. But the young can look and observe; they can watch a person’s actions and follow a simple narrative of his life, especially if truthfully and vividly set before their eyes”…“Where the heart is pure, and the imagination unsullied, the quick wit of childhood, raised and helped by grace, is easily interested in such a Person and life as that of Jesus.” ...                                    

"But where are the true Christians who cause their religion to be blessed, and not blasphemed? Alas! they are rare in the world. And why? Because the greater number of Catholics have only a surface religion, without any substance, and entirely devoid of the two great pillars of a supernatural life—prayer and sacrifice. With Christians leading an interior life, the future will belong to Christianity."

               -M. D’HULST, Rector of the Catholic Institute Paris,

April 14, 1882
Author of Crib to Cross
288 pp. Softcover. Illustrated.