Doors of Silence eBook

A Carthusian Monk

SKU: EB8780  |  ISBN: 9781685290320

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It is for you alone, beloved soul, that the Lord draws you to the desert to speak to your heart; for He has chosen you as unique; to make you better: you whom He has chosen as a host of praise forever! Do you wish to burn before His adorable face like the purest wax? Do you, like the seraphim, like the cherubim, wish to be irradiated with His clarity, enflamed with His love, to be for Him, in turn, only light and charity? Consent to forget the world, the universe, and yourself. If you hesitate to lose your life in Him and for Him, go no further. As much as it is possible for you, in exact obedience and perfect charity, you must avoid four things which are major obstacles to interior silence, and which render habitual contemplation impossible: interior noise, interior discussions, obsession, and worries about yourself. This being done, you will have passed through the doors of silence.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

Succinct, excellent

Tracey Moley

Lively small book that is beautiful and meets the need .

M. Carthuse
Where have you been all my life?

Have you ever wished you were born with a manual of 'how to' for your spiritual and mortal life?
Here it is...look no further.