SKU: 8171 | ISBN: 9781892331373
In 2004, The SSPX sent a letter to all the Cardinals of the Church. This letter was accompanied by a hard hitting, but short and concise, analysis of Ecumenism. Recently, the SSPX has sent this same study to EVERY Catholic bishop in the world.
We have put the letter and study together for our customers in this booklet and included a short interview with Bishop Fellay and two appendices: one, a not-so-Catholic (to say the least!) speech by Cardinal Kasper on Ecumenism and, two, a pertinent excerpt from the writings of the great Cardainl Pie (1815-80), "On the Duties of Priests," which stands in stark contrast to the ecumenical-babble of Cardinal Kasper!
The Study itself, entitled From Ecumenism to Silent Apostasy is masterful and is divided into three main parts with the following subdivisions:
Analysis of Ecumenical Thought:
-The Unity of the Human Race and Interreligious Dialogue
-The Church of Christ and Ecumenism
-The Recomposition of Visible Unity
The Doctrinal Problems Posed by Ecumenism:
-The Church of Christ is the Catholic Church
-Belonging to the Church by a Triple Unity
-Outside of the Church There is No Salvation
The Pastoral Problems Posed by Ecumenism:
-Ecumenism Begets Doctrinal Relativism
-Ecumenism Turns Souls Away from the Church
63 pp. softcover
Case Quantity = 160
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