Fundamentals Of Catholic Dogma (Hard Cover)

Dr. Ludwig Ott

SKU: 4095  |  ISBN: 9781905574650

First published in German in 1952, Professor Ludwig Ott's Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma instantly became an indispensable reference for priests, teachers and families. Recognized as the greatest summary of Catholic dogma ever put between two covers. A one-volume encyclopedia of Catholic doctrine. Tells exactly what the Church teaches on any particular topic, when the pronouncement was made and gives the source.

Comprehensive yet concise, it provides in a single large volume clear explanations of every Catholic doctrinal teaching-along with their foundations in Scripture, Tradition, Church councils, papal pronouncements, and the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. And unlike any other compendium of doctrine before or since, it provides the "Theological Grade of Certainty" for every teaching it contains. Now this timeless masterwork is available in durable hardcover for the first time in decades.

Ott begins with an introduction to the science of theology itself, explaining its principles, methods, vocabulary, and system of classification. He also shows you how to distinguish the Catholic understanding of the "development of dogma" from the heretical version, and how to differentiate the three kinds of Catholic truth and the six grades of theological certainty.

Detailed table of contents with over 250 entries, 18-page index of Old and New Testament (the best of its kind ever compiled), Index of Persons, Index of Subjects and an extensive Bibliography. Definitely one of our most important books!!

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Mark Funke
Incorporates Vatican II errors

I too find it very unfortunate that the author saw fit to incorporate errors of Vatican II in his later editions of this seminal work. I urge Angelus Press to remove this edition from sale.

Good but with issue

Ott's Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma is an orthodox and detailed tool for the study of the faith. But still, there is an issue. What is not in the product description is the fact that this is the 11th Edition of Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma which has been updated in light of Vatican II. Ott took pains to interpret the council in the most positive light. Much of the work is fine but in some cases there are problems arising from the use of the Second Vatican Council's documents.

It would be good to have reprinted an earlier edition of this masterwork that doesn't have such content (I believe Ott first incorporated Vatican II into the text in the 8th edition so the 7th edition would probably be the one to have reprinted). The 11th Edition states that it is a theologically certain doctrine that a bishop receives both the power of sanctifying and of jurisdiction directly from God by virtue of ordination and bases this off of Vatican II. Meanwhile the 2nd Edition says that it is a probable doctrine that a bishop receives his pastoral power immediately from the Pope. The 2nd edition does note that the question is not settled in 1954 and presents the alternate view “that each individual bishop receives his pastoral power direct from God, as does the Pope.” It is sad to see that even a theological classic like this has not escaped the general theological confusion of the past 60 years since the Council began. Still, it has its uses.