Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS. CC.
SKU: 8521
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The Holy Hour is a very dear devotion to many Catholics. Contained in this book are 21 different Holy Hours for every First Friday of the year, Our Lord's Passion, Mothers, those suffering, the Sacred Heart, and even contemplatives.
708 pp. Hardcover.
JMJ. This the closest book I can find to the original Sacred Heart devotion. I think the purchase is my fourth. I have one in the Sacred Heart Chapel for our Adorers during Adoration, or when the Eucharist is reposed to the Tabernacle. I loaned mine out. So I purchased this one for my friend an Acolyte, so I can have mine back. But this book is swell when it comes to the original Sacred Heart Devotion.
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Excellent devotional book for the whole year!
These meditations, prayers, and litanies in dialogue form come alive best during night adoration. They are keyed to the First Fridays and other themes dear to the friends and adorers of Jesus' Sacred Heart. Thus, they provide a rich selection to stimulate prayer before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
'The Holy Hours' by Fr. Mateo is most inspiring for all, but especially for the truly repentant sinner. The love of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, especially, in the Most Holy Sacrament, moves your heart to beg Jesus, to purify your heart, a true sorrow for our sins, a desire for true gratitude for the gift of faith. Which enables us to SEE, and HEAR!
Holy fear of God, is truly His gift, to all men.....a true desire to save your soul.
We pray the Holy Hour as a reparation for our sins and for the sins of others, especially, of those in our own household.....
Cor Jesu, patiens et multae misericordiae, Miserere nobis!
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