Laundering Liturgical Linens

SSPX US District

SKU: 8286  |  ISBN: 9781892331595

Handbook for Laundering Liturgical Linens

Twelve-page pamphlet loaded with everything you need to know to care for liturgical linens.

Tips, Guidelines, and Instructions

Forty step-by-step drawings. How to identify the various linens by their folds and embroidered markings. Detailed and definitive folding instructions (Yes, there is a right way to fold and several wrong ways to be avoided.). Glossary of altar linen terms. Illustrated quick reference chart. Guidelines and tips for laundering, ironing and mending. (Just when to use spray starch and how much.) Includes tidbits that even the "old-pros" will find useful. Recommended for everyone who launders or mends liturgical linens, or who wishes to volunteer to do so. Indispensable. Authored by an SSPX Brother.

12pp. Softcover, illustrated.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
deb jl
liturgical linens

i found the book to be helpful for my purposes, teaching the care of liturgical linens to a ministry group. The art of this skill was lost to permanent press.

Jaimie Montag
Very helpful!

This is a very helpful and comprehensive guide for washing the various linens. We have bought multiple copies to give to all the ladies who help with this.

JoAnne Gilmore
Great Handbook

This book gives you the precise way to wash your Catholic Church linens. I was not sure what to do when I volunteered for this ministry and there was no one after mass to tell me. But I found this book and it walked me through the process.