Archbishop Lefebvre And The Vatican

Fr. Francois Laisney

SKU: 6719  |  ISBN: 9780935952698

In this book you will find a complete set of the documents exchanged between Rome and Archbishop Lefebvre in the time leading up to and immediately following his consecration of four Roman Catholic bishops on June 30, 1988.

Just as a court of law will insist upon the authentic documents to get the truth, so in this historic clash between two radically opposed views of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Faith, there is no substitute for reading the original texts of what both sides had to say.

To these texts all that has been added is narrative to connect them in their sequence and to set them in their context, with a few footnotes to uncover the issue at stake from the standpoint of the Society of Saint Pius X

The documents speak for themselves, get your copy today!

Includes: Protocol of Accord, Ecclesia Dei, Consecration Sermon of Archbishop Lefebvre, Declaration of Bishop de Castro Mayer, Media Reports, Canon Law, creation of the Fraternity of Saint Peter. Explanations by Fr. Francois Laisney, SSPX.

244 pp. Softcover.

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