Saint Magnus The Last Viking

Susan Peek

SKU: 8399  |  ISBN: 978-0-9796301-2-5-51795

In this fast-paced novel, the highly acclaimed Catholic novelist Susan Peek transports us back to a place and age all but lost in the mists of time. The story unfolds in conflict between Magnus Erlendson, a heroic young prince aflame with the love of God, and his outlawed cousin Hakon, who blames Magnus for his banishment from their kingdom. What follows is a tale of betrayal and revenge, bravery and forgiveness, as Magnus seeks to restore his father's vanquished kingdom.

"The author has an incredible insight and perception to what goes on within a young man's mind. Written for boys in boys' language: hard, fast and to the point. Magnus is vividly portrayed as a real boy with real blood in his veins. The book puts forth how courage, will, and intelligence, joined together under the strong influence of grace and prayer, make a boy into a man and a man into a saint. Mrs. Peek certainly knows how to grab one's attention and hold it captive! We're looking forward to her next work." - A Benedictine Monk (Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery, NM)

244 pp. Softcover. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Louisa B.

This is such an incredible piece of work. I seriously did not want it to end! This starts off with an amazing hook. When a Viking King decides on his deathbed to split the future reign of the kingdom between his two sons there begins the most incredible story of family ties, blood and trust. There was just twist after twist after twist, It was so gripping! I couldn't put this down at all. The author should be applauded for the magnificent way in which she keeps the momentum going, the suspense, leaving every chapter at a cliff hanger.