Matters Liturgical

Rev. Joseph Weust C.SS.R.

SKU: 8864  |  ISBN: 9781685290504

This comprehensive guide is an invaluable resource for priests and laity who wish to deepen their knowledge of the traditional Latin liturgy. This authoritative text presents in detail everything you need to know about the immemorial Roman Rite, including the meaning and execution of the traditional Mass; reciting the Divine Office; the administration of the sacraments; and much more.

This book is a priceless guide for anyone who wishes to understand and perform the traditional liturgy in all its splendor, beauty, and depth. No person desiring a full understanding of the Catholic Faith should be without it.

Beautifully cloth-bound, hardback with ribbon
1,771 pp

Table of Contents: 

First Part Sacred Places (Pages 3-146) 
Churches, Rites of Consecration, Public and Private Oratories, Immovable, Movable, and Privileged Altars, Cemeteries, etc. 

Second Part Sacred Things (Pages 149-303)
Sacred Vessels, Sacred Vestments, Sacred Linens, Altar Furnishings, Sacred Images, Sacred Relics, Church Bells, etc.

Third Part Sacred Rites: The Mass (Pages 307-575)
Ceremonial Actions, The Parts of the Mass, Sung Mass, Private, Solemn, Privileged Votive Mass, Quasi-votive Mass, Requiem Mass, Funeral Mass, Daily and Privileged Requiem Mass, Occasional Masses, etc.

Fourth Part Sacred Rites: The Divine Office (Pages 576-638) 
Those obliged by choir, Those obliged to office in private, Obligation of the Roman Breviary, Calendar or Ordo, The office in special cases, Offices in Concurrence, Commemorations of Vespers, Offices of Occurrence, Reposition, Transfer, Omission of Occurring Office, Commemoration at Lauds, The Aperi Domine, Beginning and End of Hours, Hymns, Proper Hymns, etc.

Fifth Part Sacred Rites: The Sacraments (Pages 638-795)
Matter of Baptism, From of Baptism, Minister of Baptism, Baptism of Infants, Baptism of Adults, Sponsors at Baptism, Time and Place of Baptism, Rites and Ceremonies of Baptism, Reception of Converts, The Recording of the Baptism, and so on and so forth for each sacrament. 

Sixth Part Sacred Rites: Miscellaneous (799 -901)
The Asperges: When it is prescribed and permitted.  Blessing with water, Private Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Liceity, Rite of Exposition, Rite of Benediction with Ciborium, Public Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Rite of Exposition with the Monstrance, Benediction with the Monstrance, Forty Hours Devotion, What is prescribed and permitted, Meeting a Funeral at The Door of the Church, etc. 

Seventh Part Sacred Times: Proper of the Season (905-1063)
The 1955 Simplification of Rubrics, Sundays of Advents, Ferial of Advent, Feast of Christmas, Christmas Midnight Mass, Octave of Christmas, Feast of St. Stephen, Feast of St. John, Holy Innocents, Last Sunday of December, Feast of Circumcision, Feast of the Holy Name, Feast of Epiphany, and so on and so forth throughout the entire liturgical year and all its feasts.

Eighth Part Sacred Times: Proper of the Saints (1067-1108)
Office of nine-lesson Feasts, Office of the three lesson Feasts, Feasts of every month with special rubrics or prayers.

Ninth Part Indulgences (1111-1131)
The gaining of  indulgences, particular indulgences by month, Portiuncula indulgence, The Papal Apostolic Blessing, Other plenary indulgences, Articles of Devotion.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Alfred Tan

excellent pre-VII information

Carlos Donato
Great book

Excellent publication great help with liturgical matters. I really enjoyed and recommend.

Fernando Abdallah

To be able to have a book ( print out ) is an excellent choice