SKU: 8908
Available for the first time in English, On the Just Punishment of Heretics is an important manual of Catholic doctrine and discipline. Author Alfonso de Castro’s scholarly contribution establishes the principles and historical precedent for identifying, distinguishing, and addressing heretics and heresy. This work is an essential tool for those wishing to defend the Faith from compromise and falsity. It is as applicable today as it was indispensable for the Catholics of the 16th century.
Book I
The first book discusses heretics, who they are, and how they ought to be admonished correctly so that they might first acknowledge their error and then return to the path of truth.
Book II
The second book focuses on those heretics who adhere to their heresies even after admonishment from Holy Mother Church. It also discusses the appropriate punishments due to such persons.
Book III
The third book shows ways to prevent heresies, including the duty of prelates and civil leaders to use their respective powers to prevent the spread of heresy. Those who ignore this duty impose upon themselves the ignominy of laxity and slothfulness.
As modern heresies and heretics continue to multiply, it is necessary to own reliable manuals that summarize, explain, and refute as many historical heresies and heretics as possible so that we might recognize and avoid their descendants in the future.
6.5 x 9.25 Hardbound
Pp. 1077
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