SKU: 8778 | ISBN: 9781949124644
“Everyone that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven. But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father” (Mt. 10:32-33).”
In this era of disbelief any Catholic not taught how to defend the faith will surely lose it. This book provides a brief, easily-absorbed guide to the absolute bare necessities of apologetics. It gives a breakdown of Holy Scripture, the History of the Early Church, Testimonies of the Early Church Fathers, and the Rise of Protestantism.
Learn to defend these commonly attacked Catholic doctrines, sacraments and truths:
A Few Thoughts for the Reader’s Consideration
“What is Truth?” Millions of men and women continue to ask this question since Pilate first asked it of Christ. We as Catholics must understand what we believe, why we believe it, and how to defend it. Whether you’re a cradle Catholic, a convert, a parent or a young adult - it has fallen to us to not only grow our own faith but also plant the seeds of faith in the next generation. Defend your soul and the souls of your children by giving them the knowledge to first understand and then defend our glorious Catholic Faith.
164 pp. Softcover. 4.25" x 6.5".
profound but not verbose, in other words great for busy person.
Confidence is built to cause a greater boldness in defending the faith.
This little book is wonderful, it has common knowledge but it expressed the knowledge in a beautiful, memorable, and inteligable way. I highly recommend this book.
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