SKU: 8412 | ISBN: 9781892331755
Prayer Crusade for Priests has helped to unite the faithful to priests laboring in the vineyard of the Lord. Now, for the first time, all the prayers necessary to participate in this Crusade are easily accessible.
Even if you are not formally a member of the Prayer Crusade, you will find the devotions herein edifying and beneficial to your spiritual life.
- Rosary for Priests - Prayers for Confessors - Deceased Priests - Seminarians - Vocations̴ - Holy Hour for Priests - Litanies - Way of the Cross for Priests - Ejaculatory Prayers
"By our prayers, words and example may we draw many souls to this sublime ideal of the Catholic Priesthood and to its essential act, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I encourage you to consider joining the Prayer Crusade for Priests. Here is one way to guarantee the supernatural in your daily life: by praying every day prayers for priests..."
96pp. Softcover.
I picked this book up at my chapel’s bookstore recently. I’ve started using it to pray the rosary and other prayers for priests and it is such a great aide for doing so. I highly recommend it to anyone who feels called to greater prayer and sacrifice for priests, whether a member of the Crusade for Priests or not.
This book become more and more invaluable over the years. I was able to pray the rosary for priests fortitude today, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the day of ordinations in 2021.
There is a page to send in to opt in for praying for a particular priest, usually a new priest.
There is a method to meditate upon and pray the Stations of the Cross for priests.
Also pages to record the names of priests like your confessors and those already deceased.
May all generous souls get this book and pray, pray, pray with it.
I find myself concentrating on different areas throughout the year.
Join the Crusade! :)
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