Roman Martyrology

Angelus Press

SKU: 8158  |  ISBN: 9781949124767

The Roman Martyrology ("In which are to be found the eulogies of the Saints and Blessed approved by the Sacred Congregation of Rites up to 1961) is an essential part of the Roman Liturgy, specifically during the Office of Prime, when its daily readings are chanted. So important did Archbishop Lefebvre consider the Martyrology that he selected the office of Prime over Lauds to be the usual morning office that the members of the Society of St. Pius X recite in common.

Another reason the martyrology is so interesting is that the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church liturgically recognizes MANY Saints, but the VAST majority of those are only recognized in The Martyrology. There is no Mass or commemoration for 90% (roughly estimating) of these heroes of the Faith. In other words, on any given day, the calendar for the Sanctoral cycle of the Missal may have one, two or no saints commemorated. But The Martyrology has 5 to 20 Saints commemorated every day.

And even The Martyrology is by no means a complete list of every saint (on average there are 30 saints that could be commemorated every day!) , but it is the complete collection of all the saints celebrated liturgically in the Roman Rite.

An entry may range from nothing more than a few words to a paragraph relating, for example, the significant acts of the Saint and his manner of martyrdom, if applicable. Another important thing to note is that The Martyrology is not just a compilation of martyred saints, but of all the saints liturgically venerated by the Church.

Translated from the official Latin texts and adhering to the 1962 liturgical calendar, with The Roman Martyrology you can follow the annual liturgical life of the Church as she splendidly recounts the feasts of Our Lord and Lady, the martyrs and other members of the Church Triumphant.

Beneficial for all Catholics, especially Third Order members who recite the Divine Office daily. An essential part of the daily office of Prime, fascinating daily reading, and the ultimate baby name book! Imprimatur 1962.

431 pp, cloth hardcover, sewn binding, indexed.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Ave Maria!
I Love This Book!

My first introduction to this book was at an SSPX retreat, where Brother Louis as the reader/ hebdomadarian during Prime (and Compline but it isn't used then). He has a great voice and then when he reads from this book the words simply flow beautifully.

For me? After using this book for nearly 3 weeks, it still sounds like I have marbles in my mouth when trying to pronounce some of these names. My apologies to the Saints and Martyrs. I will get better.

Two final things, one I wish it would have came with a dust jacket because this is a beautiful book and I don't want it to get ruined. I use this every morning. I also use a piece of ribbon folded over another page as a marker but you could easily use a prayer card.

Next and most importantly, it is an honor to read this book to speak the names of those great Catholic Christians who have given all for the Faith and for the love of our Lord. They knew not all religions lead to God but rather, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO SALVATION OUTSIDE OF THE ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH! These wonderful men and women died for the Truth and no one, especially an Imposter, can defile these hero's names.

Pray for the Church, pray for anti pope Francis the Destroyer's conversion, and please pray for me, a wicked sinner, my loving Brothers and Sisters.

Great book for learning and praying!

Arrived early, good binding and feel. Rubrics included is a big plus. Only wish it included the lunar cycle tables and would lay flat like my Diurnale Romanum, but these are very minor and I'm sure with use the book will lay flat. Overall very good. Would recommend!


Excellent quality

Marianne Ludwig-Martin
Roman Martyrology

Fantastic to use along with my office of Prime in my daily prayers.

Jeff Hensley

I am so glad to have a copy of this to use with my Roman Breviary.