Rubrics Of The Roman Breviary And Missal

Angelus Press

SKU: 8360  |  ISBN: 9781949124439

This indispensable booklet contains the English translation of the Latin rubrical texts that comprise the Rubricae Generales sections in the 1962 editions of the Missale Romanum and Breviarium Romanum

Fully indexed and easy to read, this nearly pocket-size book helps to take the mystery out of local Ordos and how they daily implement the rubrics for saying Mass and the Breviary, has important notes on the saying of missa cantatas and Solemn High Mass, and clearly sets out the rules for saying votive and Requiem Masses as well as making commemorations during Mass or the Divine Office.

Perfect for the clergy and the laity alike who say the traditional breviary or assist at the immemorial Roman Mass (even more so for priests who offer the Holy Sacrifice)!

184 pp. Softcover.