Searching For And Maintaining Peace

Fr. Jacques Philippe

SKU: 8225  |  ISBN: 818909061

Searching for and Maintaining Peace: A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart
by Fr. Jacques Philippe

Our age is characterized by an extraordinary amount of agitation and lack of peace. This tendency manifests itself in our spiritual life, in our search for God and holiness, in our service to our neighbor...a kind of restlessness and anxiety take the place of the confidence and peace which ought to be ours. What must we do to overcome the moments of fear and distress which assail us? How can we learn to place all our confidence in God and abandon ourselves into his loving care?

This is what is taught in this simple, yet profound treatise on peace of heart. Taking concrete examples from our everyday life, the author invites us to respond in a Christ-like fashion to the upsetting situations we must all confront.

118 pp, softcover.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

A simply priceless little book, and so desperately needed today.

Excellent Book

I enjoyed reading this book. Was going through a rough time at work and was almost reaching depression point but through praying the rosary and reading this book helped me to embrace my trials and even found peace and joy. Gifted it to a friend who was also going through a stressful period in his career and he thanked me for the book. He said he found peace and comfort reading the book. Would recommend to any one going through a rough time at some stage in their Iives and want to understand why this is happening to them.