St. Nicholas Of Switzerland

Fr. Clement

SKU: 7091

This great 15th century saint is a burning torch still giving light to his countrymen and to the entire Church. His life reminds us that holiness can be pursued in every vocation. Saint Nicholas was a soldier, a farmer, a magistrate, a husband, the father of a large family, and a hermit for the last 20 years of his life.

He was very devoted to our Lady and the Holy Eucharist. Separate investigations of the religious and civil authorities of the day attest to Saint Nicholas's eating nothing besides daily Communion for years.

Forty years before Martin Luther kicked off the "reformation," Saint Nicholas warned his people not to be deceived by the coming apostasy. "An unfortunate time of revolt and dissension in the Church of Jesus Christ is on the way. O my children, do not let yourselves be misled by any innovations! Stay together and hold fast. Stay on the same way, the same paths as your pious ancestors. That is how you will resist the attacks, tempests, and storms that are going to rise up with violence."

If that isn't incredible enough, God also showed him a great apostasy which will sound all too familiar to traditional Catholics. Saint Nicholas warned, "The Church will be punished, for the majority of its members, great and small, will become very perverted. The Church will sink deeper and deeper until it finally seems to have been destroyed, and the Succession of Peter and the other Apostles will seem to have ended. But after that, it will be triumphantly exalted in the sight of all doubters."

Pocket size, a joy to read, abundantly illustrated.

78 pp. Softcover.