The Catholic Family Vol 3

Fr. Patrick Troadec, SSPX

SKU: 8795  |  ISBN: 9781949124842

The Family

Creating a Happy, Holy, and Strong Family Bond 


There is no more beautiful model to encourage spouses and parents in their magnificent mission than the Holy Family. God, knowing that we need examples in life, wished to give everyone in the Holy Family an unsurpassable, admirable, and yet mostly imitable model. -Fr. Troadec Chapter One


Topics explored and explained in Book III of the Troadec series:

  • The Holy Family, A Model to Imitate, God’s Place in the Family 
  • Life of Prayer and Sacramental Life, The Eucharist, The Soul of Family Life
  • The Influence of the Eucharist on Persons, The Effects of the Eucharist on the Family 
  • The Eucharist, A Tie with Our Deceased Loved Ones, The Eucharist and Vocations
  • Must We Prefer Poverty to Wealth? The Condition of Poverty, The Condition of Wealth
  • The Audiovisual Universe,  The Harmful Effects of the Audiovisual Universe
  • The Internet and Its Dangers,, The Harmful Effects of the Internet
  • A Pure Life, A Historical Overview of the Current Decadence 
  • Fashion and Modesty, Masculine and Feminine Clothing, Wearing a Veil in Church
  • Introduction to the Laws of Life, The Ramparts of Chastity, Weapons of Chastity, Mortification
  • The Catholic Family: A Climate of Charity, Living Together, 
  • Strengthening Family Unity,  Focusing on What Unites, Developing a Joyful Atmosphere, Charitable Words, 

Now more than ever the core of the Catholic family is under attack. We must do all that we can to remove the destructive influence of the world  from our homes while striving to instill joy in each member of the family, working together with love in Christ through the Faith. 


In the Vespers hymn of the feast of the Holy Family, we read, “All the virtues flowered by grace in your home. Oh! Make our families reproduce these virtues in their life.” That is what Christian parents should ask of the Holy Family: for the virtues they practiced to be honored in their homes as well.”   

  -Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (Troadec, Catholic Family Vol III.)


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