The Reality of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist

St. John Fisher

SKU: 8860  |  ISBN: 9780961767518

Protestants deny the Real Presence, but we as Catholics can and must defend it.

Did Jesus Christ, the God-man, truly bestow upon humanity the gift of His Real Presence under the form of bread and wine?

This was the question raised by the Protestants of the early 16th century. Johannes Oecolampadius, a well-known and respected Swiss reformer, was not the first to challenge this fundamental and sacred Catholic doctrine, but he was the first to widely disseminate his views through print.

Within its 425 pages, readers will discover five distinct prefaces that deftly encapsulate the essence of each respective book, skillfully summarizing their core arguments. More significantly, the work unfolds as an impassioned defense of the Holy Eucharist, grounded in both scriptural evidence and the venerable heritage of 1500 years of Catholic theological tradition. Fisher's meticulous refutation of errors, combined with his unwavering commitment to defending the sacred sacrament, lends this book an intellectual depth and theological integrity that resonates powerfully.

St. John Fisher's work is even more pertinent today than it was during the Protestant Reformation, as many Catholics are now experiencing doubts regarding Transubstantiation. There is no stronger defense of the Holy Eucharist than St. John Fisher's "De Veritate" when addressing the concerns of Protestants and Catholics in the post-Vatican II era.

This beautiful cloth-covered edition spans over 425 pages and will make a lasting and stunning addition to any Catholic library.


*Excluded from Promotions*