The Story of Fr. George Kathrein

Fr. Alphonsus Maria Krutsinger, C.SS.R.

SKU: 8823  |  ISBN: 9781685290061

"You will find here an uncommon life of a Redemptorist in the middle of the torment of Vatican II, the catastrophe of the 20th century. The damage it caused worldwide to souls, first the Catholic souls, then any soul ... is beyond any imagination ... Suddenly, the normal actions, the normal life turns into heroism. This example should give us joy and courage for our times." - Bishop Bernard Fellay, FSSPX, Foreword

The life of Fr. Kathrein is a reminder to all readers, especially newer generations who are too young to have experienced the spiritual abandonment that traditionalist Catholics went through during the years after Vatican II. It also serves as a reminder that the fight itself has not changed, even if the tactics have mutated with time and circumstances: our goal is to eradicate the neo-Modernist errors from the Catholic Church, and to restore the Church’s own unchanging and infallible Tradition to the hierarchy and to the faithful, who have been left spiritually poor and abandoned due to the erroneous teachings, poor catechesis, and liturgical anarchy of the past 60 years. Only Catholic Tradition can efficaciously give the life of God to souls for His glory and for their salvation and sanctification.  - from the Author’s Preface

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Amanda Jones PhD
Present To Us

Having read this book, I say, well done! Father Kathrein comes alive as one reads through his life. As we approached the part about his death, I put the book down, because I didn't want to give up his company, to "lose" him. Silly me! He's more present than ever, especially if we make "The Litany of Father Kathrein" (in its own appendix) a part of our prayer life. He was a hero for "what the Church has always believed and taught." Thanks, Father Alphonsus, for bringing into the textual record the breadth and depth of Father Kathrein's important contribution to Catholic history; and furthermore for showing us the heights and humble glories of his extraordinary sacrifices. The life of the aged but dauntless "saint among us" is a treasure map to Supernatural Grace. Let us take this gift to heart, and use it well.

G. Cole
A wonderful and inspiring insight into a holy and saintly priest

Other reviewers have better described this wonderful story. It is well-told and one from which all Catholics can learn and take inspiration. Though an easy read, I found myself carving out ample "quiet time" in order to read at an unhurried pace and reflect on Fr. Kathrein's humble, holy and inspirational life. This book inspires and nourishes the soul. Thank you Fr. Alphonsus.

Rebecca Lester
Love this story about Fr. Kathrein!

I have always enjoyed Fr. Alphonsus's talks and his writing is just as enjoyable! What a wonderful and holy priest Fr. Kathrein was and reading about his life was so inspiring! All of the personal stories were very interesting. I definitely recommend this book for all to read.

Arlene Paraiso

Fr. Alphonsus Maria's book is so good! I feel like Father is telling me about Fr. Kathrein
personally. I can hear Father Alphonsus Maria's voice sometimes when I read it; especially in the footnotes!

I'm only on page 130 of 265vpages, and I just had to write a review about how much I am enjoying this book!

It's an easy read but I'm learning so much

What I've gotten out of the book m so far... and it's not said in the book, just my own conclusion...Fr. Kathrein was the "Archbishop Lefebvre" of the Redemptorist Order!

What a joy to learn about another holy priest and the family he came from (reminds me os St. Therese's family for some reason) and I'm so intrigued how he stayed loyal to the Truth during disasterous times after the Vatican II horrors and with so many people against him.

I am impacted like I'm reading a book about a canonized Saint; so I pray for him and ask for his prayers now.

This book has become also meaningful to me because I'm learning a lot about places I've been to or heard a lot about because of their Catholic nature; and reading about what happened to Catholicism in those parts during those times is like taking a time-machine back in time and being a fly on the wall.

I was born in the mid 70's so there are some parts that I like to think back to how old I was at the time ( and how old the author was; I believe he is less than a decade older than myself) and how unaware I was of everything that many good souls were fighting to preserve for me and other future warriors for protecting True Catholicism. It is all such a wonder. God is amazing. Oh the instruments He uses.

I'm very glad for this book too because it's been a very long time since I read a book like this, cover to cover. I made a Lenten promise to read about 5 minutes of a spiritually benefiting book each day of Lent 2024. It's been this book (which has made keeping my promise, easy!) and a small book of St. Alphonsus Liguori's 'Uniformity with God's Will'. They complement each other well and I highly recommend both.

Thank you to Angelus Press for publishing this book!

Thank you Fr. Alphonsus Maria Krutsinger C.SS R. for the gift of this book and for signing it for me too! You and your ministry to souls through retreats and missions and more are in my prayers.

Casey D.
Biography, History, and Practical Guide to Holiness

This book is excellent. In addition to being the biography of a holy priest, it also details his pious practices by which one may emulate him and gives a history of the SSPX in the Western United States. As a young man discerning a vocation to the Redemptorists, I found this book indispensable for my formation and have referenced and recommended it often.

Fr. Kathrein's holiness was due in large part to his simplicity of life: he understood the seriousness of saving his soul as a saint and lived his life accordingly, wasting no time in laboring for souls. He understood that God was so great, so vast, that in order for Him to dwell in our souls, there could be no room for self. He understood that in order for the traditional Catholic Faith to thrive and spread, it was necessary first of all to be pro-God with charity, rather than anti-Modernist with rigidity.

This well-researched biography also features a number of other pious individuals who played key roles in Fr. Kathrein's life. Catholic families should take careful note of the Kathrein family – their devotion to daily Mass, family prayers, and membership in the Third Order of St. Francis most especially – which resulted in the many vocations of their children. Fr. Kathrein's ministry led to many more religious vocations.

The book's easy-to-read style and charitable yet frank portrayal of events make it accessible even to non-SSPX readers. Five stars and three cheers for Fr. Kathrein and his humble biographer.