A Guide to Manhood for Boys

Bishop Tihamer Toth

SKU: 8549  |  ISBN: 9781685290665

In A Guide to Building Manhood, Bishop Tihamer Toth outlines the specific steps and qualities that boys must cultivate to develop into virtuous Catholic men. Toth's vision of forming strong, virtuous men rests on instilling self-discipline, personal responsibility, and a distinct code of Catholic conduct from an early age. This process aims to transform the natural selfishness of childhood into a selfless orientation towards the good of others. The code of conduct outlined serves as a guiding light, steering boys away from self-centered impulses and towards developing qualities that are essential for true masculine strength and honor. 

To name a few virtues presented and discussed:

  1. Honor - Upholding the highest standards of moral integrity, truthfulness, and adherence to one's principles, even in the face of adversity or temptation.

  2. Holiness - Nurturing a profound spiritual life centered on faith, virtue, and a commitment to living according to God's will.

  3. Trustworthiness - Becoming a man whose word is his bond, someone deserving of the utmost confidence and reliance.

  4. Usefulness - Embracing a spirit of service, generosity, and a desire to employ one's skills and talents for the betterment of society and those around them.

By mastering self-discipline and embracing this ethical framework, the once self-absorbed child is transformed into a man who embodies Catholic ideals. He becomes someone who yearns not for personal glory, but to be a force for good: a protector, role model, and inspiration to all he encounters. The code serves as a bulwark against moral corruption, empowering men to resist societal pressures and remain steadfast in their pursuit of virtue.

176 pp. Softcover

eBOOK Available Here:  The Young Man of Character