Conference For Catholic Tradition: Day 2

by Jane Carver

Conference For Catholic Tradition: Day 2

It's a beautiful Saturday in Kansas City as the 2nd day of the Conference for Catholic Tradition continues.

Today, like yesterday, we began with the Holy Mass and Rosary. This morning, I immediately noticed an increased number of people who came to attend. I recognized some who were students from St. Mary's Academy as well as some of the Sisters of the SSPX. We enjoyed a hot breakfast while people discussed yesterday's events and talked about which lectures they were looking forward to today. I think that we are all especially anticipating the talk to be given by Bishop Fellay: "50 years since Humanae Vitae." 


Angelus Press Conference


The lecture hall is packed full for each talk and sales continue for the vendors. I continue to encourage subscriptions to The Angelus magazine and I have heard much encouraging feedback regarding the articles published over the years. I am also learning that a great number of our attendees are already loyal subscribers!

Attendees are adapting to the rhythm of the conference: structured, but relaxed with time between lectures to drink a coffee and chat with friends. We also have had plenty of time to enjoy our delicious and well-balanced meals.

The trivia was very well attended last night and many prizes were given. Tonight, we will have an evening of refreshments and games after dinner - I hear that pictionary is on the agenda!


Catholic Conference


Of all of the lectures today, the keynote speech given by his excellency left me with the most profound impressions. He explained the role of God in marriage and the holiness of this sacrament, such that the thought of tampering with or frustrating the primary end of marriage (the procreation and education of children) frustrates our cooperation with the will of God in creating another soul - an immortal soul made by God, for God, for eternity. What an awesome responsibility we have! What dignity do married couples have to unite their wills with the will of God in His plan for creation!


Bishop Fellay 2018


Bishop Bernard Fellay SSPX

Jane Carver
Jane Carver


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