by Andrew Latham
Presented by Fr. A. Wiseman, professor of Metaphysics and Dogma at the St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, in Dillwyn, Virginia.
This episode is the linchpin of the Crisis Series, pulling in all the concepts we've already learned, and setting the stage for the rest of the episodes. In short, are there limits to obeying a higher authority? Are traditional Catholics just being disobedient and spiteful? What can we learn from this episode about Traditiones Custodes?
Notes on this episode available at
View on YouTube here:
by Angelus Press
The following sermon for the Feast of Christ the King was delivered by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), on October 29, 1989 in Dublin, Ireland.
Today we must pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ, we must pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary to remain true Catholics and to do everything possible to become saints. We must come to church frequently, pray in our church, receive the graces of the sacraments in order to become saints, to sanctify our souls and to go to heaven with all the members of our families and all those who kept the Catholic Faith here on earth and now enjoy the happiness of heaven.
by Angelus Press
Catholics today understand the Church’s observance of Lent and Holy Week has undergone significant changes over two millennia. But how, and when did the practice begin?
Geography, divergent spiritual traditions, and even differences in calculating the date of Easter (Pascha) contributed to diverse liturgical practices across Christendom—practices which themselves have morphed within the local churches from which they originally Angelus Press
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Andrew Latham