The Rosary will be prayed February 2 in chapels throughout the United States for the interior purification of the Church.
Following the example of Polish Catholics last year who gathered on the borders of their country to pray the Rosary for Our Lady’s protection and graces over their country, a group of lay Catholics in the United States are suggesting a similar event.
The concept of turning prayerful intentions inward is appropriate especially for the feast of the Purification. With the Church as a whole suffering from attacks on the family and with the hierarchy not providing clear guidance regarding the darkness of sin, Catholics should feel confident to turn to Our Lady in order to help “cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light” (St. Paul).
The organizers suggest a gathering of faithful within their respective chapels to pray the Rosary, led by their pastor if possible, along with a holy hour of meditation on the Creed and Beatitudes. The date of February 2 also coincides with First Friday, which in many Society of Saint Pius X chapels is already marked by the Blessed Sacrament’s exposition and adoration.
Along with the organizers, we support the gathering of our faithful for this “Rosary to the Interior,” and recommend our priests’ support wherever feasible.
The Rosary To The Interior: For the Purification of the Church, while being inspired by the Rosary on the Borders in Poland held on October 7, 2017 and the Rosary on the Coast in Ireland on November 26, 2017 is indeed constituted as something quite different. It requires that we turn our gaze inward in order to see both the problem and the solution. It certainly may be amended to suit individual circumstance, but the intention should remain the same. It is a Rosary to the Interior. It is a Rosary for Interior Purification. It is a Rosary to rekindle a Light that has been profoundly dimmed. And this is why it almost cries out for Candlemas – the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord and the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary – for its occurrence.
As to organization of this event: This effort is designed to begin in the hearts and minds of individual believers, inspire them in a missionary effort towards their local chapels and pastors, and culminate in rosaries and prayers in these churches for the purification of the Church. By its very nature it requires not organization along secular lines (states, nations, geographical boundaries, etc.), but is designed to move along, and upwards through, the sinews of the divinely constituted structure of the Church.
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We ask for prayers for His Excellency Bishop Tissier de Mallerais.
On the morning of Saturday 28 September, after the Angelus, he fell on the stairs of the seminary in Ecône and lost consciousness. He is currently in hospital.
The following sermon for the Feast of Christ the King was delivered by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), on October 29, 1989 in Dublin, Ireland.
Today we must pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ, we must pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary to remain true Catholics and to do everything possible to become saints. We must come to church frequently, pray in our church, receive the graces of the sacraments in order to become saints, to sanctify our souls and to go to heaven with all the members of our families and all those who kept the Catholic Faith here on earth and now enjoy the happiness of heaven.
Angelus Press