SUCCESSFUL FATHERS: The Subtle but Powerful Ways Fathers Mold Their Children's Characters It takes hard work to become a good father, and one thing lacking is good guidance on fatherhood....
ST. GERARD MAJELLA: The Wonder-Worker Patron of Expectant Mothers Millions of expectant mothers pray for his intercession and wear his medal, but few of us know much about him. St....
The famous persevering mother whose prayers, patience and good example at last obtained the conversion of her wayward son, the great St. Augustine, as well as her pagan husband and...
Mother Janet Erskine Stuart, head of the order (1914) of the girls' Teaching Sisters founded by Mother Madeleine Sophie Barat and brought to America by St. Philippine Duchesne, wrote this...
Television. There are few technological inventions that have had such universal impact in the past century. But what should we think about this phenomenon, especially from a Catholic perspective? A...
The life of Christ is fundamental to the Catholic Faith. This book, written with children in mind, lays the groundwork for a lifetime of learning about the Gospels. In this...
Contains Detailed Pictures, s, and Instruction for Over Fifty Churches A guided tour of fifty-one of the most important churches in Rome. Includes a history of each church, descriptions of...
The King of the Golden City is a fascinating tale which breathes into the heart of the child a deep understanding of Holy Communion while fostering a profound love for...
In this book by Fr. Lasance, he provides counsels, reflections and prayers for young Catholic men. This is a good source for young men on a variety of subjects, including:...
A Guide for Young Catholic Woman Angelus Press has completely re-typeset this Catholic classic from 1905. Our edition is printed on beautiful cream paper and encased in a gold-embossed hardback cover...
"... the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob forever.". Throughout the centuries of faith, one...
In A Guide to Building Manhood, Bishop Tihamer Toth outlines the specific steps and qualities that boys must cultivate to develop into virtuous Catholic men. Toth's vision of forming strong,...
"What on God's good earth is more glorious than this; to be a mother?" With these words, Cardinal Mindzenty, summed up the glories of maternity, ordered toward the creation of...
Who shall find a valiant woman? far and from the uttermost coasts is the price of her. Women are attacked on all sides One side of the attack finds its...
In his book, Fr. Diamond speaks of Christ to children in the language of a child. He knows that the hearts of the young must be touched with fire, and...
A Parish Mission for Couples, preached by Fr. Ludger Grün, SSPX. 2nd Edition. From the foreword: This is not a book of "A Thousand Tips for a Happy Marriage." There...
Sing along to traditional songs from America, England, Ireland, and Scotland! Contains simplified sheet music and easy guitar chords that are quick to learn and fun to play. This songbook...
District Superior Fr. Arnaud Rostand in his last Letter to Friends and Benefactors wrote: “entrust all our apostolates, in particular your families, your souls, and our schools to Our Blessed...
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Click here to subscribe to The Angelus Click here to view free articles Theme: Fatherhood Articles: Letter from the Publisher, Fr. Arnaud Rostand, SSPX Make Our Hearts Like unto Thine...
Click here to subscribe to The Angelus Click here to view free articles The Beauty of Motherhood Articles: Letter from the Publisher, Fr. Arnaud Rostand Canonization Bishop Bernard Tissier de...
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