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Large enough for most high altars, this set features full color images and red-black text printed on card stock. 11 5/8 x 16.5" 11 5/8 x 6 7/8
The most valiant of all women is the Blessed Virgin Mary. Although this virtue is most manifest as a gift of the Holy Ghost, it is also manifest in the...
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Typical of Fr. Faber's keen and probing insight into all matters bearing on true religion,Growth in Holiness is probably his greatest book. Here he digs deeply into every important aspect...
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“We have only one honour in the world,It is the honour of Our Lord,We have only one glory in the world,It is the glory of Our Lord.” – A Vendean HymnIn...
Lightweight black floral triangle lace mantilla with natural outlined edge. This mantilla is longer on the sides than in the back. 48 inches across by 19 inches front to back.
Modern Catholic Voices on Going Forward to the Land Is a return to the land utopian folly or outdated futility? Or is it rather the sine quo non for a...
Many good Catholic men have been deceived into becoming Masons. In this powerful little book written by a Catholic attorney and former 32nd degree Mason, John Salza clearly shows why...
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Living Marriages - MP3 Formatted CD Also available here as an MP3 Digital Download. Preached by Fr. Ludger Grun, SSPXFr. Grun returned to the US in 2017 to preach a series...
Favorite book of Pope St. Pius X! We congratulate you sincerely upon having brought out so clearly the absolute necesity of the interior life for those engaged in good works,...
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For over 300 years, the Douay Rheims Bible was the only Catholic English translation of Scripture used. It continues to be used officially in Catholic churches today. Features: Leather bound...
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The Tale of the War of the Roses: Grisly GrisellA curious title, indeed, but one of the most touching stories of courage, love and devotion ever written! The Wars of...
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By Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton. WITHOUT doubt, one of the thorniest and most easily misunderstood doctrines of the Catholic Church is that of salvation. One immediately thinks of the many...
The Lost Art of Sacrifice leaves behind the soft sentimentalism that many today wrongly associate with Christianity, calling readers to remember – and to embrace – Christ’s unambiguous challenge in Matthew...
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This beautiful little shirt pocket sized prayerbook is only 3" x 5" and less than 1/2 inch thick, yet it contains almost 300 pages of wonderful prayers. This book contains...
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The Paraclete: A Manual of Instruction and Devotion to the Holy Ghost is an accessible explanation of the Churchs rich tradition of teachings on the Holy Ghost. Originally published in 1899 and...
One of the most important books you could read! Fr. Fahey masterfully details the contrast between the Church's social teachings and organized naturalism, which is nothing more than Freemasonry and...
Altar Boy Training Boot Camp Kit It is a privilege for eligible young Catholic young men to serve and assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is the...
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This gem takes the Litany of Loreto and reflects, in the form of prayers, upon EVERY petition and title of the Litany -- an easy and fruitful method of mental...
Part III in the Fr. Dudley series. In a vivid portrayal of the philosophical problem of human happiness, Fr. Dudley lays out for the reader the now all-too-familiar attack on...
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Encyclical on Human Liberty. Liberty - one of the world's most misunderstood concepts is put into its true Catholic perspective. 34pp.
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Over 200 short reflections on the life and teachings of Christ. Two points each: Point one is to help us recall to mind the particular Gospel event, the second indicates...
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The truth about angels — according to the Fathers of the Church From St. Augustine to John Henry Newman, the greatest among the saints and men of God have lived on...
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Let your children help you put Christ back in Christmas by helping you color these beautifully-illustrated cards that depict the symbolism of four of the traditional O Antiphons. Each set...
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The brief Chancellorship of Engelbert Dollfuss in Austria, lasting from May 20, 1932, until his assassination by Nazi agents on July 25, 1934, was one of the high-water marks of...