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Known throughout the world as the leading masters of Gregorian chant, the monks of Solesmes have released Learning about Gregorian Chant. This recording simplifies and clarifies the world of chant...
Black Monk Rosaries only uses premium materials to produce the "Strongest Rosaries in the World." These rosaries use American made Type III 550 Paracord, the strongest tactical paracord available. The...
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Publication Date: 2009 Binding: Paperbound : 4.25" X 7" X 0.38" Pages: 193 pgs Catholic wisdom stated in a simple, sublime, penetrating way. His sage counsel on 36 important topics....
Black Genuine Leather Missal CoverFits the Angelus Press 1962 Daily Missal and the Misal Diario *Excluded from Promotions*
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The father of organized Western monasticism is celebrated with Mass and Office chants as well as organ music played on the Grandes orgues at Solesmes. Mass Proper to the Benedictine...
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This gothic statue of St. Dominic was created by a traditional Catholic artist here in the United States. It is just under eight inches tall and made out of plaster....
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This is the only retreat by the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen recorded on video. Sheen gives twelve conferences to an audience of all ages on the following topics: Confession The...
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Simple Altar Card set. Non Laminated on off-white card stock. Main Altar Card - 9" x 12" Side Cards - 5 1/2" x 7 1/2"
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Embroidered Black Leatherette Missal CoverFits the Angelus Press 1962 Daily Missal and the Misal Diario *Excluded from Promotions*
Blue Genuine Leather Missal CoverFits the Angelus Press 1962 Daily Missal and the Misal Diario *Excluded from Promotions*
Update your Missal to 2040 AD with this handy fold-out chart designed to fit into your Missal. Shows the dates for Easter, Ash Wednesday, Ascension, Corpus Christi, Septuagesima, First Sunday...
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Confined to the hymns of the Roman Liturgy this book examines the liturgical hymns grouped into their liturgical seasons and provides a wealth of background and analysis on every aspect...
Burgundy Genuine Leather Missal CoverFits the Angelus Press 1962 Daily Missal and the Misal Diario *Excluded from Promotions*
Publication Date: July 2013 Binding: Hardcover : 5.5" X 8.5" Pages: 771 pgs The Spiritual Life: A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical Theology is undoubtedly the finest, most comprehensive and...
Out of Stock $8.00
Student guide in English for Lingua Part Roma Aeterna and provides an overview of the chapter readings and grammar found in each chapter.
The moving chants and prayers for the night before Jesus' Passion, when he gave the "mandate" to love one another as he has loved us. Includes Ubi caritas and Pange...
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La fama mundial de Tomás de Kempis se debe a que él escribió La Imitación de Cristo: el libro que más ediciones ha tenido, después de la Biblia. Este precioso...
In Papists, Spaniards & Other Strangers, the author presents meticulously researched and documented accounts of the short and violent reign of the boy-King, Edward VI and the struggles between the...
“The best souls are they that have been travailed in spiritual business, and find most comfort therein.” —St. Thomas More In Lay Saints: Martyrs, Joan Carroll Cruz guides you through the...
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This beautiful two layered First Holy Communion veil is made from soft white tulle. It's lace and ribbon trim as well as the beautiful embellishments of white flowers and ribbons...
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A compact history of the Roman rite of the Mass from the Last Supper to the missal codified by Pope Saint Pius V, the so-called Tridentine Mass. Describes the historical...
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The question of discerning a vocation is agonized over by many generous young Catholics today. A solid Thomist, who wrote this book in 1961, Father Butler shows that this type...
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Spanish Edition of Spiritual Journey Archbishop Lefebvre's last book. Describes a sanctity, simple yet profound, based on the writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. "Souls find in the Summa not only...
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Is there a better way to show your children their faith than through the lives of the saints? Ideal to read to pre-schoolers and younger children. Engages youngsters in the...