SKU: 8479R | ISBN: 9781557250988
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The father of organized Western monasticism is celebrated with Mass and Office chants as well as organ music played on the Grandes orgues at Solesmes.
Mass Proper to the Benedictine Order
Track 1-Priere Jean Langlais (organ)
Track 2-Introit Laudamus
Track 3-Gradual Domine Praevenisti
Track 4-Alleluia Vir Dei Benedictus
Track 5-Sequence Laeta Dies
Track 6-Communion Semel Juravi
Track 7-Hymn Claris Conjubila
Track 8-Lied: Herr Jesu, was fur seelenweh (S. 487) J.S. Bach (organ)
Mass of the Ancient Common of Abbots
Track 9-Chorale: Ich ruf zu dir (S. 63) J.S. Bach (organ)
Track 10-Introit Os justi
Track 11-Alleluia Justus et Palma
Track 12-Offertory Desiderium
Track 13-Communion Fidelis Servus
Office of Saint Benedict
Track 14-Lauds Antiphons
Track 15-Antiphon Sanctissime
Track 16-Antiphon O Caelestis Norma
Track 17-Antiphon Hodie S. Benedictus
Track 18-Pavane in D minor Henri Dumont (organ)
1CD 49min
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