Lent will be here at the end of the month! Please review these best-sellers and choose a title to help you and your family grow closer to God this Lenten Season.
“Everyone, whatever his state of life, will find matter for spiritual progress in this daily reading. I am very happy to offer you this new booklet and wish you a...
Catholics who wish to begin having a deeper spiritual life can find no better way to begin their journey than with this excellent work. Crib to Cross is a collection...
The Holy Hour is a very dear devotion to many Catholics. Contained in this book are 21 different Holy Hours for every First Friday of the year, Our Lord's Passion,...
My Holy Week Missal - Holy Week for Children 96 pages of beautiful illustrations and simple explanations to help your child understand and follow the Holy Week ceremonies. This is...
Now, at last, 135 of the most popular and most inspiring meditations have been selected from Fr. Moffatt's classic Minute Meditations Series and combined into one complete volume. Each meditation...
This book is Thomas A Kempis' lesser known reflections on 35 various Gospel passages dealing with the Passion and Death of Christ, now newly translated into English. Thomas A Kempis...
"I can personally testify that this is one of the most beautifully produced books I have ever owned! The book is well-bound and easy to hold, the pictures are exquisite,...
An Hour with Our Lord This collection of prayers may be used for public or private devotion. Excellent for making a "Holy Hour" at home or at Church. Contains a...
angFollow along in the Holy Week Ceremonies using The Sacred Triduum Missal This book is very helpful if you do not have a 1958 or later missal containing the revised rite...
The book of psalms arranged for each day of the week according to the order of the Roman Breviary - pray with the Church. There is no need to scrape...
Lenten Meditations Three excellent, easy to read, sets of meditations by the famous preaching priest and Catholic newspaper editor, Fr. Robert Mader. His delivery of the total faith was so...
Kempis needs no introduction. For five centuries it has been the most popular spiritual book second only to Sacred Scripture. Covers the fundamental principles of the spiritual life. Invites us...
Help Your Children Enter the Spirit of Lent with these Beautiful Coloring Posters These beautiful coloring posters are an excellent way to help your children meditate on the mystery of...
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Twelve sermons on key aspects of the Christian life given during Lent, 1622—fasting, how to resist temptation, the danger of losing one's soul, living faith vs. dead or dying faith,...
$63.62 $74.86
"I can personally testify that this is one of the most beautifully produced books I have ever owned! The book is well-bound and easy to hold, the pictures are exquisite,...
The startling truths uncovered by this book will forever change the way Catholics view the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. On September 23, 1968 after having borne the stigmata for...
A student said to a certain priest: “Father, your books set my soul on fire; your style moves me to tears, and my hands burn as they turn your pages....
Why is Social Doctrine Necessary? “Because Holy Mother Church knows that it is much more difficult to work out one’s salvation in a godless materialistic world like Communist China and...
Wondering what to think about the doctrinal deviations of Vatican II? “The laity cannot remain silent in the face of the errors that threaten their Faith. While remaining in their...
Cherish Catholic Tradition and its essential role in Christ's indefectible Church through the ages!Apologia for Tradition is a powerful, well-documented defense of sacred Tradition as a solution for the modern crisis...
Over Twenty-One Lectures in Five Categories - Over 19 hours! "Our task is to form the children entrusted to us. The goal is strong children; strong in the soul, strong...
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Blessed Be God has been the most popular Catholic prayer book in America for generations. Newly reprinted in a deluxe pocket-size edition that closely resembles the original specifications. This edition...
Retreat Manual and Family Prayer Book Originally written to accompany the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, this prayer booklet is useful at any time. Contains prayers for use throughout the...
Since 1533, the spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius have been used by millions to deepen their Christian life. This booklet distills the wisdom of the 30-day retreat into 20 principles...