SKU: 8496 | ISBN: 9781892331878
"I can personally testify that this is one of the most beautifully produced books I have ever owned! The book is well-bound and easy to hold, the pictures are exquisite, the text is easy to read, and the various methods are inspiring! I encourage you to buy a copy for Lent. It will be a family favorite. You won't be disappointed!"
The thirteen methods of the Way of the Cross found in these pages will enable the follower of Christ to weep and atone for his sins, understand Our Lady's sorrow, pray with the Church, contemplate Our Lord as Eucharistic Victim, accept the Will of God, prepare for judgment, and love his neighbor. Combining stirring meditations and four-color illustrations, this all-new Treasury of Stations contains everything necessary to enhance one's contemplation on the Passion of Christ. Featuring gorgeous pictures and inspiring readings for every walk of life, this quintessential book of Stations is sure to become your family's final stop for Lenten meditations on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Contains musical notation for the most popular Lenten hymns, including the Stabat Mater, At the Cross Her Station Keeping, Attende Domine, Parce Domine, O Sacred Head Surrounded, and Adoramus Te, Christe.
Thirteen methods:
St. Alphonsus Liguori
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Leonard of Port Maurice
Sacred Scripture and the Liturgy
The Eucharistic Way
Fraternal Charity
In Preparation for the Last Judgment
Holy Week
The Marian Way
With Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ
Patience and Resignation
Reparation for Sin
Repentance and Confession
There is no devotion more richly endowed with indulgences than the Way of the Cross, and none which enables us more literally to obey Christ's injunction to take up our cross and follow Him. - The Catholic Encyclopedia
360 pp. 5" x 6.5". Sewn Hardbound. Natural paper.
Case Quantity = 48.
A real treasure!
The book is a treasure! It gives many different Ways of the Cross- St Francis, St Alponsus etc. The illustrations are beautiful and enhance the devotion.
I love this book very much. It is perfect for any time of the year. Very good meditations and prayers. It will definitely help one to grow in their love of God and our Blessed Mother.
This company is AWESOME/ EXCEPTIONAL. Down to the smallest detail. The packaging itself was done for the glory of God!! Such beauty and order all done in His Will! Nearly brought tears to my eyes as I opened the box!! Such a blessing and consolation to see such “caring” in such a “lowly” task such as packaging! God reward you for your “point of grace” in your service to us!!
I have never received books so carefully wrapped and shipped. Thank you.
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