Tenebrae Of Good Friday

Solesmes Monastery

SKU: 8479T  |  ISBN: 9781557251268

This recording will assist in personal or group praying of the liturgy of the hours for Good Friday. It includes all three nocturnes of the office of Matins and the antiphons and psalms of Lauds the Good Friday liturgy of the hours.

First Nocturne
     Track 1-Antiphon     Astiterunt and Psalm 2
     Track 2-Antiphon     Diviserunt and Psalm 21
     Track 3-Antiphon     Insurrexerunt and Psalm 26
     Track 4-Responsory     Omnes amici
     Track 5-Responsory     Velum temple
     Track 6-Responsory     Vinea mea
 Second Nocturne
     Track 7-Antiphon     Vim faciebant and Psalm 37
     Track 8-Antiphon     Confundator and Psalm 39
     Track 9-Antiphon     Alieni and Psalm 53
     Track 10-Responsory     Tamquam
     Track 11-Responsory     Tenebrae
     Track 12-Responsory     Animam meam
     Third Nocturne
     Track 13-Antiphon     Ab insurgentibus and Psalm 58
     Track 14-Antiphon     Longe fecisti and Psalm 87
     Track 15-Antiphon     Captabunt and Psalm 93
     Track 16-Responsory     Tradiderunt
     Track 17-Responsory     Jesum tradidit
     Track 18-Responsory     Caligaverunt
     Track 19-Antiphon     Proprio Filio and Psalm 50
     Track 20-Antiphon     Anxiatus est and Psalm 142
     Track 21-Antiphon     Ait latro and Psalm 84
     Track 22-Antiphon     Dum conturbata and canticle
     Track 23-Antiphon     Memento mei and Psalm 147
     Track 24-Antiphon     Posuerunt and Benedictus
     Track 25-Responsory     Christus factus est
     Track 26-Hymn     Pange lingua
     Track 27-Responsory     Insurrexerunt
     Track 28-Responsory     Vadis propitiator
     Track 29-Hymn     Vexilla regis  

1CD 68min